Saturday, November 13, 2010

Being a Good Person. You Should, Too.

Grand Marais, Michigan is a tiny-fucking-town in the Upper Peninsula. It's a gas station, two bars, a hardware store, and a post office. It's also goddamn gorgeous. It's part of the Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore, and holds a spot very near and dear to my heart. I spent a huge portion of my summer there, and it just has a lot of memories.

My sappy bullshit aside, I'm going to ask the, like, one person who reads this blog to do me (and the town) a huge favor. Grand Marais' harbor is filling up with sand at an alarming rate. Like, it'll be filled up in a couple years alarming. They need it dredged out and a new breakwall built, otherwise the harbor and town are screwed. They keep getting ignored for government funding, and time's running out.

Reader's Digest (yes, the waiting room staple of doctors offices everywhere) is holding a thingy called "We Hear You America" where you enter the name of a town in need, click "CHEER" up to 10x per day, and put your town towards winning part of like 20 million dollars of grant money.

I'm asking anyone who might see this lame-ass blog to go HERE, click the damn stereotypical cheerleader 10 times, and get Grand Marais their new harbor. These people really need it, and, c'mon, you're just dicking around on the internet anyway. Do something good while you're at it.


  1. Awh, the link in your post doesn't work. :( I was going to go spend my internet tiemz for something productive, but I can't find it. D:

    Just FYI. <3

